Is it a rash? Is she teething? I don't really know... She has what appears to be a lil rash around her mouth, just a few red bumps, she IS teething, and drooling a lot... Oh well. So I am not sure if it is "normal'" but Kiele IS a picky eater who enjoys Asparagus, and Brussel Sprouts, but wont eat anything consistently. Oh well. And I am pretty sure if she wasn't still breast feeding, or taking a bath every night, she would be getting no liquids in her at all. She spits EVERYTHING out, and she has taught her cousin to do the same. Car rides are fun with them. They may be cracking each other up, but then they end up soaked, and Shivering in the grocery store. The last thing I need is one more reason for some pretentious, Trustafarian* to give me stink eye in Whole Foods. "she's not dieing, she's just dramatic!" ANywho.. went to the park today with both the babies (mine and my nephew whom I nanny for) and had a lovely conversation with a mom who apparently has been teaching her child "evacuation language" since birth. I have been having "personal responsibility" conversations with my daughter since birth, but I don't actually expect her to peepee in the potty by the time she is 18mo. Some parents are really either delusional, or have WAY too much time on there hands. I can say this with confidence because I am fairly certain I am the only one reading this. PROVE ME WRONG!
*Trustafarian-a young idealistic person who looks down on others for not being environmentally friendly or aware enough, whilst receiving a trust fund from their parents so they can afford to only buy organic, and support the whales, and wear bamboo and hemp clothes exclusively. Usually white with dreadlocks.
Rose gets those little red bumps around her mouth if she has had something acidic. like the clementines or strawberries. Tomatoes make every where they touch red :( like and acid burn.
ReplyDeletewhat in the world is evacuation language? one of the first things i realized after having a kid is that people love to one up other moms. every child is gifted. 'darla' learned to talk at mos and 'kevin' was potty trained at birth. it's hard, but dont listen to these people. even in my podunk town, everyone tells me how gifted their kid is. for ex. one girl keeps telling me that her daughter is so gifted that teachers want her to skip preschool and go into kindergarten. after talking further with her i realized her daughter is on about the same level of academics as my child whom is a year younger. my kid isnt gifted. she's awesome and im proud of her, but she's a healthy normal kid. so with that rant of mine, yes, i think many moms are delusional and pretentious whether they are living off the govt, their trust fund, or just an avg jane.